On my way to the bathroom at work I noticed the boss man, VP of all earth, wind and fire was about 4 steps behind me. The possibility existed that he was heading to the stall but I had to plan for all scenarios. Knowing that the bathroom has only two urinals ,I faced the following dilemma:
A: Go to the first one and force VP to take the dwarf urinal.
B: Dial up the dwarf suite myself as a measure of respect and risk him thinking (why did this freak choose the kindergarten potty ?)
Either way awkwardness is about to reign down.
Surely he thought C: Why is this freak taking a picture of the urinals?
Send the boss man to the kiddy potty! What has he done for you lately?
Pretend you were just going to wash your hands?
should i be worried that half of the men who are dispatching my SWA flights have the stature of a second grader AND some of the rest have anxiety attacks when they see the boss????
This post made my day! Really!
I think that Elizabeth had the right answer, though.
Whatttt did you do? Or did homeboss just not need to potty?
Dwarf suite. Hilarious.
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