Sunday, April 5, 2009

2 part lid

Q: Can someone tell me the purpose of these 2 part lids that you
sometimes see on jams and salsas. Why not just use the regular lid?


PFiles said...

I would think the advantage of using the 2-piece lids is that you can reuse the screw ring over and over until it gets rusty or dented, and you only have to buy the flat lids. My understanding is that once you use the flat lid, seal it, then break the seal, it will never properly seal again. The 1-piece lid seems to be an expensive way to go because the whole thing is a once-and-done.

Daver said...

That's a canning jar. The inner lid has a rubber ring to help hold the seal while the outer ring adds extra security. If you want to reseal (so as to "preserve", as in preserves you put on your toast), you can use another inner lid and the same outer lid.

sandwichinwi said...

When you first process the food in the jar (canning), you screw the ring onto the jar to hold the flat lid on during the heating/sealing process. After 24 hrs., if your lid has sealed, you can remove the ring and reuse it again on another jar.

In your fridge, you can use just the flat lid, but in MY fridge, they are forever falling off and stuff is sitting around in open jars. I like to put a ring back on to hold the stupid flat lid on.
