Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For the first time in my life I'm going out of town on a business trip
and debating if this is a step up or a step down. I'm also trying
desperately hard to blend in with the masses of generic business guy.
I plan on using words like projects and integration, I've tucked in my
shirt, and....iPhone...lots of iPhone.


courtney said...

initiative, deliverables, and bandwidth are good corporate buzz words, too.

PT said...

nice pic

the real pros use buzz "phrases" and sports analogies like:

"at the end of the day"
"take it offline"
"let's create some real synergy here"
"knock it out of the park"
"not showing up on the radar screen"

oh, and you must call power point slides "the deck"

Teresa said...

I didn't realize George Dunham was on your flight...maybe you'll get to be on Muse in the News!

Adam Mirkes said...

Is there anything better AND worse than "generic business guy"?

No. There's not.

Have a good trip.